You asked and we listened. Here it is- Everything you could possibly need to handle almost any sharpening job, all together in one compact, portable kit.
The Deluxe Kit Includes:
The KME Precision Knife Sharpening System,
The Base,
The Stone Thickness Compensator,
Eleven grits included!
All 6 grits of our Gold series Diamond Hones:
The 50 grit Beast
The XXC-100
The XC-140
The Coarse-300
The Fine-600
The X-Fine-1500
And our popular set of four ceramic/Arkansas stones:
The X-Coarse-60 grit
The Coarse-120 grit
The Medium-320
The medium-fine Hard Arkansas stone
And for getting your edges to the next level, the Deluxe Kit also includes:
1 Kangaroo Leather Strop
1 Bottle of 4 micron CBN Emulsion (4,000 grit)
360 Degree rotational Clamp with 2 Horizontal Stops:
Just grab the knife handle and rotate it 180 degrees
to sharpen both sides of the blade.
Just One Large Hand Knob Clamps the Blade:
No more adjusting the clamp for blade thickness with
one screw, then clamping with a separate thumb nut
Neoprene Padded Jaws:
Clamp will not scratch or mar the blade.
Two Knife Positioning Reference Lines on the Jaw:
Insures repeatable sharpening angle for individual
Jaws Open on Demand
Revolutionary Spherical Bearing Rod Guide:
Maintains absolute zero deviation from selected
sharpening angle at all times, while providing
excellent range of silky smooth motion
Infinitely Adjustable Sharpening Angle - 17 to 30 Degrees:
Main frame is engraved with angle scale in single
degree increments. Loosen thumb nut to raise or
lower the bearing assembly to any desired sharpening